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The Top DeLaval Dealership that Northeastern Colorado Dairy Farms Trust

There may be nothing more important we can do for you than just to listen. At Dairy Resources of the West, we understand how important it is to get to know the unique needs of every client instead of trying to force cookie-cutter solutions onto every client. The dairies here in northeastern Colorado are very different from those you would find anywhere else in the country, so it just makes sense that there will be differences across farms as well.

Our success has been built on the excellent outcomes we have built for our client partners by identifying and understanding the special considerations found on the other side of every farm gate. As we build a long-term relationship with your operation, our combined knowledge will help us both develop a successful system for your farm that will get better and better every year. Our quality DeLaval products will fall into place as we work through even the most complex problems that your dairy faces.

Serving dairy farms in Northeastern Colorado, Dairy Resources of the West is ready to provide you with all the products and services that you need to grow further.


Make the Most of Our Expertise

Innovation has always been at the heart of the strong U.S. farm system. Researchers, industry, and farmers alike have always pursued better ways of doing things in order to lower costs, improve safety, or increase production.

Those important goals are behind the development of rotary milking parlors, which have shown themselves to be an effective system for many dairy farms. At the same time, many operations will still do better with traditional static parlors.

We provide versatile solutions even when space is limited. They can be installed into a variety of different barn sizes, making it easy to maximize the productivity of each square foot that goes under the roof.

Operational costs are also lower, with far less use of electricity and fewer moving parts. Compared with their ancestors from decades ago, modern parlors still provide improved safety and efficiency in cow movement that strengthens the farm's bottom line. Our systems also include many of the helpful technological innovations that have developed in the dairy industry, including automatic claw takeoff and metering, feed pushers, and much more.

Products that Maximize Your Benefits

At Dairy Resources of the West, providing quality DeLaval equipment allows us to help you set up or retrofit a complete parlor system. All our products ensure top performance and durability for our partner dairy farms in Northeastern Colorado. We provide:

  • Rotary Parlors
  • Static Parlors
  • Milking Robotics
  • Feeding Robotics
  • Rotary Spray Robots
  • Automatic Takeoffs and Meters
  • Crowd Gates
  • Feed Pushers
  • Manure Equipment
  • Air Compressors
  • Washing Machines
  • Vacuum Pumps
  • Claws, Liners, Pulsators, Milk Hose, Inflations
  • Teat Dips
  • Wash Chemicals 
  • Farm Supplies

Reliable Services That Assist Dairy Farmers

We understand that equipment failure can happen at any time. We also know that a backlog involving dozens of head is never an option. As a continuous milking operation is a top priority, we are here to make sure to provide the necessary services to ensure your storage and refrigeration equipment are ready to serve you.

Dairy Resources of the West provides round-the-clock service for both milking equipment and refrigeration equipment. We ensure prompt and effective solutions, allowing dairy farmers to remain in compliance with storage and handling standards while minimizing waste and maximizing the number of pounds of milk going into the truck. We also are the team that you can trust for milk quality services. Reach out to our team whenever you need:

  • 24/7/365 Milking Equipment Service
  • 24/7/365 Cooling and Refrigeration Service
  • Wash Analysis and Milk Quality Services
  • Energy Conservation Solutions
  • Herd Management Solutions
  • Hoof care

Contact Dairy Resources of the West Today

Feel free to reach out to Dairy Resources of the West and make us your dairy farm’s trusted partner today. Call us, send us a message, or fill out the online form. We look forward to working with you.

Contact us

Get in touch with Dairy Resources of the West for all your dairy farm needs in northeastern Colorado. We offer best-in-class products from DeLaval and a whole range of services.
