Wash Analysis and Milk Quality Services

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Wash Analysis and Milk Quality Services from Dairy Resources of the West

Top-quality dairies must produce top-quality milk. To do that, you cannot simply rely on your own staff to do specialized work in wash analysis and milk quality. What every dairy farm needs is expert assistance for these tasks.

When northeastern Colorado dairy farms want high quality, they consult our team. Dairy Resources of the West has the knowledge and experience to provide these critical services for your dairy. We have spent years working with dairies on how to meet quality standards for their milk. Moreover, we know how to help you meet your own strict requirements for the product that leaves your facility. 

Services That Ensure Great Quality Milk

A key link in the process of producing clean, safe milk is to be certain that teat washing procedures are up to standard. Even the cleanest farm has naturally occurring contaminants all around the livestock at all times. Because it's impossible to eliminate their presence on the site, we must focus our energies on eliminating them at the milking point.

That is where our wash analysis services come in. Dairy Resources of the West is ready to help you design a program that is easy for even inexperienced parlor hands to execute flawlessly with every cow that enters a stanchion. When wash procedures are up to par, it shows in milk quality. Our products from trusted brand DeLaval are proven to reduce somatic cell counts by sending clean udders into the stanchion. Incorporating technology like our automatic takeoffs creates even less margin for error, helping you send the cleanest possible milk into the line.

Make Every Milk Count

With our products, procedures, and quality testing, you will leave nothing to chance. You will have complete control of the entire milking process with follow-up testing that proves you are producing safe, high-quality milk. Dairy Resources of the West will be right beside you as you plan, implement, and monitor the process, providing you with the products, training, and feedback you need to keep your operation on track.

Count on Our Team

Get in touch with Dairy Resources of the West today to find out more about our reliable services. When it comes to wash analysis and milk quality, we deliver the best results. Call us or fill out the online form today.

Contact us

Get in touch with Dairy Resources of the West for all your dairy farm needs in northeastern Colorado. We offer best-in-class products from DeLaval and a whole range of services.
